So long and thanks for all the fish.
Jinx- to bring bad luck to; place a jinx on.
As I returned from our lovely and successful voyage I uploaded photos and uttered the Jinxing words "Time to redefine 'a case of the Mondays' :)" to accompany them. Upon checking my phone I noticed a missed call and a message from an unfamiliar number. It was my boss which is very unusual; I have never been called at home before. Even more unusual was this meeting that had been hastily planned (notices were sent the day before). It was request all employees attend even those on leave or their day off. I had a very bad feeling about this due to the urgency of this meeting. I was correct. The company advised us that come December 1st our roles would be relocated to other states. There were options to move, apply for other positions, or say so long and thanks for all the fish. I want to try something new. I want to search my soul. Even though the light at the end of this tunnel is actually a train, I think I’ll hop aboard and see where it takes me. Already there has been talk of some life changing, well, er, changes. Wish me luck and stay tuned...
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