Ode to a freaky kid's parents.
In light of recent events over the last few weeks I have done all sorts of searching; I have soul, resume, cover letter, job and interview question searched (in no particular order). During all of this I have become very keen on deciphering legitimate positions from those awful "we legally can't say pyramid scheme" but its a 3-D Equilateral Triangle based position.
They taught me to be earnest in all that I do. They showed me the rewards of being dependable and hardworking. I saw the true longevity of love in them. They instilled self confidence in me; they never hampered only encouraged me in regards to academic or social activities.
This is actually the first time i have really thought about it but i now know I owe my "take me as I am or leave me (your loss)" attitude to them. I realize now, no matter how weird or freaky I was dressed or how much black makeup I had on, I was still just me to them. I was never made to feel that I should act or dress according to societies "norms". It is due to this that my creative side was able to flourish. I took up sewing and crafting, past times I still love today. They let me be me and love me for just for that, for being myself.
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