Well, everything is growing along, The tomato and leek is getting bigger, the Red onion we planted a while back is breaking ground now. I got the purple potato and the Red vein Sorrel transplanted into a larger planter pots. Now i just need to find out how to tell when the potatoes are "done."
May has been a busy month, alot of day trips, events, school coming to a close and the fair.
Leek | |
Last Wednesday we visited the SF Zoo, Sutro bath remains and ocean, it was a nice day. That night we went to the by-weekly game night at the Mutiny. We played some new games including Battlestar Galactica game. I'll have to try to be not-so-obvious-cylon next time i am a cylon! LOL. I will be glad when school is done. We'll still be busy in June:The fair is coming up, the full moon hike, My "birthday" weekend to Safari west. then in July: Yosemite and Garlic Festival! I am hope some of my plant entries for the fair will perk up. i suspect they were "kicked and mishandled" by my mother. (that's a joke)
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